For the past few of years, Roxboro NS have entered a team into the Primary Debating Competition which is co-ordinated by the Carrick Education Centre. Last year’s team were our most successful team to date, reaching the regional semi-final where they narrowly missed the opportunity to progress to the regional final.
The team is made up of six children; three speakers from 6th class and three researchers from 5th class. Last year the first round of the competition began in November. Along the way, the team debated topical issues such as ‘Children should have a TV in their bedrooms’, ‘Children should not have to wear uniforms’ and ‘Children know how to use the Internet safely’.
The children spent many hours researching, compiling and practising their speeches before taking to the stage in front of judges, parents and peers.
Public speaking is a skill which is difficult to master but without a doubt the talented children on this team surpassed everyone’s expectations by writing excellent speeches and delivering them with such passion as to leave the listeners convinced of the merits of their argument.
We have a feeling there may be a future government minister, or two, in the making amongst these team members!! We are incredibly proud of their hard work and success.